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Re: Public httpd servers that support encryption

Damian Reeves wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Wolfgang Roeckelein wrote:
> > The new 2.0 beta 2 versions of the netscape navigator should accept
> > additional certificates and CAs, has anybody tested this already?
> > At least you should now be able to build a inhouse combination of Navigator
> > and a SSL server which provide secure communication among them without getting
> > VeriSign involved.
> The version for Linux crashes and burns as soon as you click on any of the
> options in the security dialogue, what a marvellously stable beta release
> this is.  Don't know if this behaviour is strongly simulated by the versions
> for the other platforms, but then I wouldn't expect much more from the
> company you love to hate...

  You should not need to access any of the security preference dialogs
to communicate with a server whos certificate was signed by an unknown
CA.  You can just go to the site, and a series of dialogs will come up
that ask you if you want to communicate with that site.

  Sorry about the crash.  We did find it in late testing, but since the
function on that dialog are not critical for this beta, and linux is
not a supported platform, we decided to ship this beta with the bug.
It has already been fixed in our source tree, and so it should work
in the next beta.


Jeff Weinstein - Electronic Munitions Specialist
Netscape Communication Corporation
jsw@netscape.com - http://home.netscape.com/people/jsw
Any opinions expressed above are mine.
